Performance Dance Jam FIRST

instant work of art on the border between dance and physical theatre


The format of this performance is inspired mainly by the work of Scott Wells – a choreographer from San Francisco, who is the successor of the dance scene in the West of USA after the 1970s. His choreographic approach focuses on physical interaction and also ease and humour.

Another inspiration is the project of Nancy Stark Smith (initiator of the Contact Improvisation method) called Underscore. It is a fixed, improvised dance structure (practiced all over the world since the 1990s) that serves to the participants as a kind of map. It includes the full spectrum of energetic and physical expressions, embodies a number of forms and changing states.

Performance Dance Jam is an experiment based on movement / musical improvisation, the search for a common language in non-verbal communication and the expressive power of immediate reactions. Voice and word can also appear.

Performers: Tomáš Wortner, Katarzyna Kamecka, Janka Hríbiková, Daniel Kearns, Priscilla Roeck

Music: Tomáš Novák

Concept, choreography: Tomáš Wortner, Katarzyna Kamecka

Time: 31 July 2021

Foto: Vojtěch Brtnický